Consciousness hacking
for c-suite leaders

Cutting-edge Executive Coaching that unlocks
Freedom and Fulfilment beyond Money, Sex, and Power


hey, i’m mia

I’m a Leadership Consultant, Executive Coach, and Learning Experience Designer - but none of the traditional kind.

You see, we have worked like machines for the last decades. Today, we have machines powered by artificial intelligence that not only do the work for us, but do it far better than us.

Instead of competing with technology, we have to learn how to complement and co-create with it by re-discovering and developing our “human-only” skills. And I help forward-thinking business leaders do exactly that.

Specifically, I focus on enhancing their spiritual intelligence (SQ) as the next evolutionary step in human consciousness development after cognitive and emotional intelligence (IQ + EQ).

Ready to push the edge?


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“we cannot solve the challenges we face today with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

- Albert Einstein


The 21st century characterised by crisis.

Sticking to the same way of thinking and acting whilst expecting different results is not an option if we strive to positively transform ourselves, others, business, and beyond.

Leaders have to develop a higher-order logic which can be referred to as…

Spiritual Intelligence (SQ):

The ability to expand mental perspectives and deepen emotional connections by tapping into elevated states of being through the activation of your whole brain.

I help leaders develop
a higher-order logic

By allowing for cross-pollination among diverse human intelligences (IQ & EQ), Spiritual Intelligence creates a form of synergy that can significantly enhance critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and complex problem solving.

To unleash that synergy, I introduce leaders to the art and science of…

Consciousness Hacking:

A transformative process in which leaders engage in a set of highly personalised practices (aka: “codes”) that help them develop their SQ.

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consciousness hacking outcomes

  • Stronger resilience and personal effectiveness

  • Greater levels of creativity, inspiration, motivation and innovation

  • Enhanced ability to foster trust, connection and community
    (in-person and in virtual settings)

  • Deeper meaning and purpose at work and in life

  • Elevated problem-solving and corporate decision-making skills

  • Clarity and calmness in times of crisis

  • Effective change management and business transformation

  • Higher moral values and ethical standards that add to the credibility and sustainability of your company

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How i work


1-1 Coaching

I advise established business executives on how to unleash their highest human potential into their lives and leadership.


I deliver inspirational keynotes on diverse topics to catalyse transformative insights that shift the way people see themselves and the world.

LEarning journeys

I consult companies on how to design thought-leading personal- and leadership
development programs.


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What leaders say


“Mia is one of the most outstanding young professionals that I came across. I endorse her qualifications in business, academia, and spirituality, and find the connections she creates between them very inspiring and of great value for the Future of Work. I have full confidence that she will continue to exceed expectations in any learning- and innovation-focussed projects with her future clients.”

Soren Trampedach
Founder & Chairman of  Work Club Global


“Mia is fabulous! Engaging, reliable, and endlessly curious about how humans operate, her enthusiasm and commitment to evolving life
on earth brings richness to her work. She has
the smarts coupled with a strong desire to collaborate and achieve results, which makes
her an incredibly valuable contributor to any team, project, and organisation that strives for human-centric transformation.”

Suzy Jacobs
Founder of The Choice Faculty

“Mia provides fresh perspectives on how to turn leadership programs into meaningful learning experiences. With her energy, passion, and creativity she challenges the status quo, yet always backed-up by solid scientific evidence. I love to work with her and can highly recommend Mia to anyone looking for cutting-edge ideas and practices related to personal, professional, and organisational development.”

Michael Pohl
Co-Founder of triangility

Contact me.
+49 (0) 1573 4944686

Klosestrasse 1
76137, Karlsruhe